What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) is a powerful method developed by Dolores Cannon, which involves inducing a client to the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualisation. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep. In this state, QHHT® takes you beyond the usual past life regression into a place, where clarity, understanding and healing can be found by accessing that all knowing part of you that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, The Superconsciousness, even the Soul itself. 

When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with The SuperConscious. The SuperConscious is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal.

Our thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment and all the moments up to this moment. What we are choosing to believe now, will create our next reality. Sometimes mental, emotional and physical ailments are rooted in beliefs from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SuperConscious reveals the cause, gives us a greater understanding and will assist in the transformation according to any soul’s particular lessons.

The SuperConscious brings you exactly what is appropriate for you. It may be emotional or physical healing, may be it wants to show you who you are and what you are here to do or maybe it wants to tell you another important message. We never know what you will be shown, “Always leave it open with no expectations.” was Dolores’ advice. Just enjoy the experience and let the universe be in charge of all the details! 

Dolores Cannon’s Definition of the SubConscious

Not to be confused with conventional medical and psychological terminology, The Subconscious is hard to describe, because it is above and beyond the conscious mind, but also encompasses it. Dolores chose to use the word SubConscious to describe it’s hidden aspect of existence, because it resides at a much deeper, all knowing level of us than our conscious mind, which we use in our everyday lives.

For millennia, religious and spiritual teachers have referred to “The Subconscious” as The Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness with Source. For a greater understanding, I chose to call it the SuperConscious, because it includes all the above till Source. The SuperConscious itself revealed to Dolores, that what we call it is irrelevant and immaterial; it simply is, and it is willing to communicate and help anyone with a sincere desire and intent.

When the SuperConscious is contacted during a QHHT® session, observable changes occur in the person being hypnotized, the practitioner, and anyone in the room: a dramatic increase in the perceptible energy level, causing feelings of joy and love.

Seeking the unlimited assistance of the SuperConscious, which knows every aspect of a person’s being, whether they are conscious of them or not, can help any person in amazing and unexpected ways.

I will ask the SuperConscious to reveal information unknown your conscious mind, that will aid in healing and uncovering the root causes of any mental, emotional and physical afflictions, illnesses and phobias. The SuperConscious always selects the information most helpful to the person in need. By nature it is akin to the Soul and therefore understands the entire situation and every aspect of you, including issues from past lives that may be affecting you in your present life.

In this time of rapid change and expansion of consciousness, the concept of a greater self and acknowledgment of the SuperConscious as an all-knowing aspect are becoming more acceptable as science and spirituality converge to bring the best of both approaches to healing practices available to all. 

In Quantum Physics, matter is not a determined thing, it’s waves of possibilities for conscious creation. And there exists the principle of Non-Locality – everything is connected by oneness.
That’s why connecting with the SuperConscious can help us see the bigger picture, which then enables us to choose another possibility for our life.

We create our lives through our thoughts and beliefs, which act like programs in our subconscious mind. In hypnosis we can easily “install” the greater understanding we perceive with the help of the SuperConscious, which gives us the power to create our new reality.

Thought is a projection of energy that manifests in physical form and has either positive or negative attributes. In essence, we create and experience what we think. This way of thinking makes us responsible for our actions. Regardless of one’s belief system, it is an advanced and progressive approach to experiencing life. 

QHHT® and Transformation

Once the SuperConscious has been contacted during your QHHT® session, I’ll ask it to identify and explain the cause behind any problem, and then I will ask if it is permissible and possible to transform the condition. If the SuperConscious agrees, transformation is immediate, without discomfort, medication or surgery. In many cases, once the SuperConscious reveals the source of an ailment or problem, a release occurs in the body and mind, and the client is freed form their condition.

In all cases, before the transformation can occur, the client must want and allow it. The SuperConscious will not interfere with the lessons of their present life or the contracts they made before incarnating. Our souls are eternal and we come to Earth to grow and learn lessons through individual experiences. An example of a conflict in transformation could be the Subconscious not agreeing to restore the sight of a blind person if that was one of the lessons they agreed to learn before incarnating in their present life.

The SuperConscious also adheres to a literal approach regarding their help. If the client is experiencing a condition that is the result of abuse or lack of care for their body, and the person has taken no action to correct this and has no desire to change, the SuperConscious is aware. Its logic will dictate that there is no point in transforming the condition if the client is just going to resume abusing the body once they are helped.

Apart of that, everything you are willing to allow is possible with QHHT®.

“There are no limitations, unless you create them yourselves. Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.”  (Dolores Cannon)

*parts of the texts are courtesy of qhhtofficial.com